How To Tag People in Your Status Updates
Status represent about your recent activity. Now if you want tag some people with your status like you tag pics and videos, now how to do this. The solution is simple and easy to use. To mention someone in a status update just type “@” in the status bar and start typing their name as […]
Setup Internet On BackTrack
Well many people face problem on backtrack and they ask the simple question how to enable internet on backtrack. This is not so much handy and you can do this by your self just follow these easy steps to do so. 1) Open the terminal 2) type in: sudo ifconfig eth0 up 3)Adding IP […]
Enable Internet In BackTrack 4
Two easiest method present to enable internet in backtrack4. Either you do this through terminal or manual or either you do this by using Wicd network manager. Open terminal and type this /usr/bin/start-network Now open Wicd network manager and you will see a list of connections availabe, wireless as well as wired. Setup your […]