CIP Cyber

Complemento Backtrack 5 Toolkit

Table of Contents

Backtrack contain a list of different tools that are really helpful in the process of penetration testing and ethical hacking. Complemento is another a good tool or it is a toolkit that is a collection of multiple tools. When we combine Letdown, ReverseRaider and Httsquash this is called Complemeno. It is available on backtrack 5.

LetDown DOS

LetDown is a “full” tcp flooder. It’s not a simple syn flooder: it’s able to interrupt the communication at any stage of the TCP protocol.
That means you can manage a complete connection (with a standard fin/fin-ack ending) or stop the connection early, leaving the target’s network stack in various possible states


ReverseRaider is a domain scanner that uses brute force wordlist scanning to find a target subdomain or reverse resolution of IP ranges. It supports permutation on wordlist, IPv6 and also some DNS options.


Httsquash is an http server scanner, banner grabber and data retriever. It can be used to scann large ranges of IP addresses to find networked devices and http servers. It supports IPv6, personalized requests and a basic fingerprint engine.

Video Tutorial of LetDown


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