CIP Cyber

SSH Cracking Backtrack 5 Video Tutorial

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SSH is a network protocol which allows you to connect the remote computer securely, SSH is just like telnet but telnet is not secure while SSH is a secure channel for communication. We have already discussed SSH before and in this tutorial I will show you how to crack a SSH to get the password because if you know the username and password then it is very for an attacker to get the remote shell of the victim.

SSH security is very important because web administrator used to connect their web admin panel via SSH, people are using SSH to transfer the files. The communication might be client to client and client to server.

In this tutorial I will show you how to crack the SSH and to get access on the Linux machine, the tools:

  • Backtrack 5 R1
  • Hydra (THC Hydra)
  • Mind 
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