Stitch: A Python based Remote Administration Tool
Stitch is a cross platform Python Remote Access Tool Framework which allows you to build custom payloads for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux as well.
pytbull is an Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS) Testing
Framework for Snort, Suricata and any IDS/IPS that generates an alert
file. It can be used to test the detection and blocking capabilities of
an IDS/IPS, to compare IDS/IPS, to compare configuration modifications
and to check/validate configurations.
The framework is shipped with about 300 tests grouped in 11 testing modules:
Industrial Cybersecurity
September 28, 2023
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Stitch is a cross platform Python Remote Access Tool Framework which allows you to build custom payloads for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux as well.
PytheM is a python penetration testing framework. It has been developed in the hope that it will be useful and I don’t take responsibility for
The RouterSploit Framework is an open-source exploitation framework dedicated to embedded devices. It consists of various modules that aids penetration testing operations: exploits – modules
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