33 percent of World’s top 1 Million sites are vulnerable to Hackers

A security firm name Menlo Security has published a report which says one in three domains of the world’s top websites are either vulnerable to hackers or they had been hacked. The report was released this week and it further says that even your most trusted websites are vulnerable to hackers. Most of those top […]

Android’s ‘PackageInstaller’ Vulnerability a Gateway to hack Devices

A security flaw was found in the Android‘s ‘PackageInstaller’ system service that provides path to the hacker to hijack the installation process of a third-party Android app, which seems pretty safe to user and replaces it with a Malware (infected app of his choosing). The security flaw was reported to Android by the teamof security […]

Australian online voting system includes FREAK vulnerability

In the elections of Australian State of New South Wales, people went to the polls to elect a new government. Some residents cast their votes online, with a system that may be carrying the FREAK bug.The system is termed as iVote system that was launched in 2011 to serve voters who live far away from a polling […]