CIP Cyber

Babun – a Windows shell you will love!

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Would you like to use a linux-like console on a Windows host without a lot of fuzz? Try out babun!


The core of Babun consists of a pre-configured Cygwin. Cygwin is a
great tool, but there’s a lot of quirks and tricks that makes you lose a
lot of time to make it actually usable. Not only does babun
solve most of these problems, but also contains a lot of vital packages,
so that you can be productive from the very first minute.

Package manager

Babun provides a package manager called pact. It is similar to apt-get or yum. Pact enables installing/searching/upgrading and deinstalling cygwin packages with no hassle at all. Just invoke pact –help to check how to use it.


Babun’s shell is tweaked in order to provide the best possible
user-experience. There are two shell types that are pre-configured and
available right away – bash and zsh (zsh is the default one). Babun’s
shell features:
  • syntax highlighting

  • UNIX tools

  • software development tools

  • git-aware prompt

  • custom scripts and aliases

  • and much more!


Babun features the following:
  • Pre-configured Cygwin with a lot of addons

  • Silent command-line installer, no admin rights required

  • pact – advanced package manager (like apt-get or yum)

  • xTerm-256 compatible console

  • HTTP(s) proxying support

  • Plugin-oriented architecture

  • Pre-configured git and shell

  • Integrated oh-my-zsh

  • Auto update feature

  • “Open Babun Here” context menu entry

    Download and read more

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