CIP Cyber

peinjector – MITM PE file infector

Table of Contents

The executable file format on the Windows platform is PE COFF. The peinjector provides different ways to infect these files with custom payloads without changing the original functionality. It creates patches, which are then applied seamlessly during file transfer. It is very performant, lightweight, modular and can be operated on embedded hardware.


  • Full x86 and x64 PE file support.
  • Open Source
  • Fully working on Windows and Linux, including automated installation scripts.
  • Can be operated on embedded hardware, tested on a Rasperberry Pi 2.
  • On Linux, all servers will be automatically integrated as service, no manual configuration required.
  • Plain C, no external libraries required (peinjector).
  • MITM integration is available in C, Python and Java. A sample Python MITM implementation is included.
  • Foolproof, mobile-ready web interface. Anyone who can configure a home router can configure the injector server.
  • Easy to use integrated shellcode factory, including reverse
    shells, meterpreter, … or own shellcode. Everything is available in 32
    and 64 bit with optional automated encryption. Custom shellcode can be
    injected directly or as a new thread.
  • An awesome about page and much more, check it out.



                                  + configuration
                                  | payload
                                  | ...
      +-------+       |                        |
      | PATCH <-------+      libpeinfect       <--+
      +-------+       |                        |  |
                      +-----------+------------+  |
                                  |               |
                      +-----------v------------+  |
                      |                        |  |
      +--------------->       libpetool        |  |
      | change values |                        |  |
      | add sections  +-----------^------------+  |
      | resize sect.              |               |
      + ...                  +----v----+          |
                             | PEFILE  +----------+
      PE File data    |                        |    PE File data
      +--------------->       libpefile        +--------------->
                      |                        |
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