Do Hackers Really use Metasploit? NO!
Undoubtedly, Metasploit is one of the most organized, well-developed tools in the pen-testers toolbox. But, do hackers use it? Some of them, but not the
It abuses OSI Layer 7-HTTP to create/manage ‘zombies’ and to conduct different attacks using; GET/POST, multi-threading, proxies, origin spoofing methods, cache evasion techniques, etc.
UFONet runs on many platforms. It requires Python (2.x.y) and the following libraries:
python-pycurl – Python bindings to libcurl
python-geoip – Python bindings for the GeoIP IP-to-country resolver library
On Debian-based systems (ex: Ubuntu), run:
sudo apt-get install python-pycurl python-geoip
Enter a target to attack with a number of rounds:
./ufonet -a -r 10
On this example UFONet will attacks the target a number of 10 times for each ‘zombie’. That means that if you have a list of 1.000 ‘zombies’ it will launch 1.000 ‘zombies’ x 10 rounds = 10.000 requests to the target.
UFONet uses different ways to exploit ‘Open Redirect’ vulnerabilities. For example: You can use UFONet to stress database on target by requesting random valid strings like search queries:
./ufonet -a –db “search.php?q=”
Industrial Cybersecurity
September 28, 2023
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Undoubtedly, Metasploit is one of the most organized, well-developed tools in the pen-testers toolbox. But, do hackers use it? Some of them, but not the
Sunset: dusk is a vulnerable by design Debian based machine created by whitecrOwz. It is available on This machine is ranked as a beginner
When a security analyst performing website penetration testing the initial step should be finding hidden directories of a vulnerable website. These hidden web directories are
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