CIP Cyber

SySS Radio Hack Box to Hack Wireless

Table of Contents

The Radio Hack Box is a tool to Demonstrate Vulnerabilities in Wireless Input Devices. The SySS Radio Hack Box is a proof-of-concept software tool to demonstrate the replay and keystroke injection vulnerabilities of the wireless keyboard Cherry B.Unlimited AES.


  • Raspberry Pi
  • Raspberry Pi Radio Hack Box shield (a LCD, some LEDs, and some buttons)
  • nRF24LU1+ USB radio dongle with flashed nrf-research-firmware by the Bastille Threat Research Team, e. g.
    • Bitcraze CrazyRadio PA USB dongle
    • Logitech Unifying dongle (model C-U0007, Nordic Semiconductor based)
  • Python2
  • PyUSB

Automatic startup

For automatically starting the Radio Hack Box process on the Raspberry Pi after a reboot, either use the provided init.d script or the following crontab entry:
@reboot python2 /home/pi/radiohackbox/ &


  • The Radio Hack Box currently has four simple push buttons for
  • start/stop recording
  • start playback (replay attack)
  • start attack (keystroke injection attack)
  • start scanning
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