BlackHat: Linux Kernel Hidden Inside Windows 10

Initially known as “Project Astoria” and delivered in beta builds of Windows 10 Threshold 2 for Mobile, Microsoft implemented a full blown Linux 3.4 kernel in the core of the Windows operating system, including full support for VFS, BSD Sockets, ptrace, and a bonafide ELF loader. After a short cancellation, it’s back and improved in […]

WannaCry: WannaCrypt Ransomware in Action

On Friday, 5th May 2017,  a variant of WannaCrypt Ransomware (WannaCry) started spreading across the globe. It targeted a vulnerability in the SMB protocol, and leveraged an exploit stolen from the NSA (ETERNALBLUE) to do so. Variants were observed over the weekend, but they were either using the same kill switch domain, or a different one […]