CIP Cyber

Introducing Data Security: Why is it Important for Every Organization?

Table of Contents

Data Security is the
process of protecting digital data
from breach, corruption, loss, or
unauthorized access during its lifecycle. Every person and organization knows
about it; however, it’s not uncommon to hear about accidents like data attacks
or breaches, cyber attacks, or other forms of disasters.
So, the question arises: why does a data disaster happen?
It’s next to impossible to protect a
network or a system
, thanks to two reasons. First, every software has some
bugs or vulnerabilities. Second, a bug is only fixed after it’s found. So, if
it’s found by a malicious person first, an accident may happen.
However, it’s not impossible. There are numerous methods to protect a system and its data,
fight against attacks or hackers, and recover data after a data disaster. Do
you wish to know more about data security? Read on.

What is Data Security?

Data Security refers to the digital privacy standards for averting unauthorized access to data
stored on computers, databases, and websites. Data Security also secures data
from attacks or breaches, corruption, destruction, etc.
It is even known as Computer Security or Information
Security, and it’s a crucial aspect for
of all sizes and types. Why? Since data is now growing at a
lot more tremendous rate than a decade ago, data security has become more
important than ever for everyone — individuals and corporations alike.

Importance of Data Security

Data Security is important to protect crucial or sensitive
data from all types of accidents. Every person or company creates, deals,
stores, and uses some sort of data. Also, data is growing at an ever-increasing rate in this decade, thanks to
digital photos, online services, social media, and IoT-based devices.
Domo’s Data Never Sleeps 6.0 summarizes the
cosmic data created each minute. In a minute, 1.5 new bitcoins are minted, 3.8
M web searches are made on Google, 49 thousand photos are posted on Instagram,
and 473 thousand tweets are posted on Twitter. These generate terabytes of data every minute.
Though a part of data generated every day is deleted or
unimportant enough, a large chunk of
this data is crucial
. For example, a person’s childhood memories or a kid’s
first experiences must not be lost. Moreover, an organization’s internal data
or its customers’ data is of paramount importance as well. Isn’t it?
In comparison, data
is more important for an organization
than a person since it’s a crucial
asset for the company. For example, a company’s pricing tables or research
analysis are key to its business and must be well-protected. Therefore, it is
necessary to safeguard it from malicious actions or persons alike.
That’s the reason organizations around the world are readily
investing to deploy the best of data
security systems
. However; it is also important to know the types of data
stored by corporations to further understand the significance of data security.
Hence, let’s check the various types of corporate data.


A company’s people data — customers, employees, external
contractors, etc. are significant for its business. Furthermore, most of the
modern organizations also handle customers’ data, which can be personal or
sensitive for its users. Thus, it is of utmost importance for the organization
to secure its people data.
When handling customers’ data, users trust the institution to store their data in a safe and
secure environment. If an organization is unable to keep this trust, it may
face extreme problems like customers may decline using its platform or products
or they may complain or file lawsuits against the company.
For example, the popular data scandal of Cambridge Analytica and Facebook knocked off more
than $100 billion from the share price of Facebook. Moreover, its CEO — Mark
Zuckerberg — was asked answers by lawmakers and politicians in the UK and US.
Also, it caused talks among consumer advocates.


A corporation has various internal processes such as
accounting management, knowledge management, product development, technology
management, etc. These processes generate and use data at every step, and thus,
they also rely on data for functioning properly. So, what may happen if data is
These processes will halt and so will the company since these processes help drive a corporation.
For instance, if data for product development is altered or lost, product
development will misguide or halt, which will lead to the creation of a faulty
product or no product at all, which is very disastrous.


An institution is known for its research and technology. The
technology at any organization may include intellectual property, its own or
third-party devices and products, and other forms of technological works. Also,
it helps businesses support data flow, track processes, and store and update
Technology allows corporations to operate efficiently with
minimal manpower, which ultimately helps them to reduce costs. Since it
smoothes operating costs and delivers direct access to information,
organizations can offer affordable and
competitive goods and services
without abandoning quality.
Because of its critical involvement in modern businesses,
technology must be protected from cybercriminals or miscellaneous attacks. If
an internal or a remote device is compromised, then the attacker may steal more
crucial data like company plans or he may hamper the everyday operations.
Moreover, a technological failure may also halt the usual operations of any
, making its people — including customers — suffer. For
example, a server crash for hours stranded thousands of passengers of Air
India. What was the result? Its customers complained and its reputation
As given above, there are various types of data in an
organization and all are prone to
attacks or other forms of disasters
. Since most of this data is crucial, it
must be protected from getting unauthorized accessed, deleted, or manipulated.
That said, it brings us to the question: how to protect crucial data?

How to Ensure Data Security?

Data Security is a complex task, which involves keeping
track of multiple tasks and using different types of security tools. That’s why
it’s suggested to opt for a data security software,
which is an umbrella solution that houses numerous security tools under one
roof. It eases and streamlines data security.
A data security solution protects a computer or network from
cyber threats. It may offer a mix of features such as antivirus protection,
data encryption, data masking, data resilience, disaster recovery features,
email security, endpoint protection, malware protection, network security, and
many more.
Of course, there are various data security solutions, but
they pack the same features — more or less. An effective data security software
must ensure data is safe, keep backups of sensitive data, and protect the
network endpoints. Since the Data Security solution from Imperva does all, it’s
a perfect choice.

Irfan Shakeel

Irfan Shakeel

Irfan Shakeel is a distinguished cybersecurity professional, thought leader, and trainer. As a director at CIP Cyber, he contributes valuable insights and opinions on the industrial cybersecurity domain. In addition to his written expertise, Irfan hosts the popular CIP Cybersecurity webinar, further showcasing his extensive knowledge and commitment to enhancing critical infrastructure protection.

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