CIP Cyber

Open Source OSINT Assistant: DataSploit

Table of Contents

The various Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools used to capture data, gives the user all the relevant information about the domain / email / phone number / person, etc. It allows us to expand our attack/defense surface by collecting relevant information about the target.

DataSploit simply requires the minimum data (such as domain name, email ID, person name, etc. It is developed by using different programming languages that are popular among the field, that are Python, MongoDb and Django. Once the data is collected, firstly the noise is removed, after which data is correlated and after multiple iterations it is stored locally in a database which could be easily visualized on the UI provided. The sources provided are picked after complete analysis and are known to be providing reliable information.


  • Performs automated OSINT on a domain / email / username / phone and find out relevant information from different sources.
  • Useful for Pen-testers, Cyber Investigators, Product companies, defensive security professionals, etc.
  • Correlates and collaborate the results, show them in a consolidated manner.
  • Tries to find out credentials, api-keys, tokens, sub domains, domain history, legacy portals, etc. related to the target.
  • Available as single consolidating tool as well as standalone scripts.
  • Available in both GUI and Console.


  • MongoDb, Django, Celery and RabbitMq
  • Bunch of python libraries
    • amqp==1.4.9
    • anyjson==0.3.3
    • BeautifulSoup==3.2.1
    • beautifulsoup4==4.4.1
    • billiard==
    • bs4==0.0.1
    • celery==3.1.23
    • clearbit==0.1.4
    • config==0.3.9
    • Django==1.9.8
    • django-celery==3.1.17
    • dnspython==1.14.0
    • future==0.15.2
    • idna==2.1
    • json2html==1.0.1
    • kombu==3.0.35
    • lxml==3.6.0
    • piplapis-python==5.1.0
    • pyinotify==0.9.6
    • pymongo==3.3.0
    • python-Wappalyzer==0.2.2
    • python-whois==0.6.2
    • pytz==2016.6.1
    • requests==2.10.0
    • requests-file==1.4
    • simplejson==3.8.2
    • six==1.10.0
    • tldextract==2.0.1
    • tqdm==4.7.6
    • termcolor

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