CIP Cyber

Whatsapp Bomb using VB-Script

Table of Contents

Today , we are going to learn how to bomb messages on web whatsapp using VB-Script.

Explanation of the script.

‘ InputBoxes
This section is the data input. Here we are taking inputs from the user . Contact stores the name of the contact. Message stores the message , T stores the times.

‘ Go To WhatsApp
This section redirects the user to web whatsapp.

‘ Loading Time
This section will wait for you to load whatsapp web.

‘ Go To The WhatsApp Search Bar
This section will press tab key and pass the pointer from URL address bar to Whatsapp message bar.

‘ Go To The Contacts Chat
This section will type the contact name in the search bar.

‘ The Loop For The Messages
This section will type message and press enter till the amount of times we need to spam the message. ( T ).

‘ End Of The Script
This the popup that the script is completed

‘ Canceled Script
This section will popup the cancellation of the script.

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