CIP Cyber

Hcon Security Testing Framework

Table of Contents

HconSTF is Open Source Penetration Testing Framework based on different
browser technologies, Which helps any security professional to assists
in the Penetration testing or vulnerability scanning
assessments.contains webtools which are powerful in doing xss(cross site
scripting), Sql injection, siXSS, CSRF, Trace XSS, RFI, LFI, etc. Even
useful to anybody interested in information security domain – students,
Security Professionals,web developers, manual vulnerability assessments
and much more.


  • Categorized and comprehensive toolset
  • Contains hundreds of tools and features and script for different tasks like SQLi,XSS,Dorks,OSINT to name a few
  • HconSTF webUI with online tools (same as the Aqua base version of HconSTF)
  • Each and every option is configured for penetration testing and Vulnerability assessments
  • Specially configured and enhanced for gaining easy & solid anonymity
  • Works for web app testing assessments specially for owasp top 10
  • Easy to use & collaborative Operating System like interface
  • Multi-Language support (feature in heavy development translators needed)
Open Source Penetration Testing Tool

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