CIP Cyber

Xiaopan OS Wireless Pentesting Distribution

Table of Contents

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { } OS is an easy to use security
and penetration testing with a collection of wireless security and
forensics tools. It includes a number of advanced tools for network
administrators, security professionals and home users to test the
strength of their wireless networks and eliminate any

Based on the Tiny Core Linux (TCL)
operating system (OS), it has a slick graphical user interface (GUI)
requiring no need for typing Linux commands. Xiaopan OS is Windows,
Mac and Linux compatible and users can simply install and boot this
~70mb OS through a USB pen drive or in a virtual machine (VM)

Some of the tools included are
Inflator, Aircrack-ng, Minidwep GTK, XFE, wifite and feeding bottle.
Supported cards include RTL8187L, RT3070, AR9271 and many more.


  • Run in Parallels Desktop / VMware / VirtualBox
  • Compatible with Yumi Boot / LiLi USB Creator
  • Run on Live CD
  • Packages include: Minidwep, Aircrack, Inflator, Reaver, Feeding Bottle, Wifite
  • 70mb ISO
  • Based on TinyCore Linux
  • Recommended minimum requirements: Pentium 2 or better, 128mb of ram + some swap
  • Recommended: Wireless USB card that supports monitor mode and injection
  • Windows / Linux / Mac Compatible
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