CIP Cyber

Should Apple Credit Card Feature be Trusted

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the photo scandal in which prominent Hollywood stars such as Jennifer
Lawrence private pictures were stolen by hackers and uploaded on the
internet, Apple is hell bent on doing the marketing that is primarily
focus on damage control. Tim Cook Apple’s CEO wrote:

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and privacy are fundamental to the design of all our hardware,
software, and services, including iCloud and new services like Apple
Pay. And we continue to make improvements. Two-step verification,
which we encourage all our customers to use, in addition to
protecting your Apple ID account information, now also protects all
of the data you store and keep up to date with iCloud

want to be absolutely clear that we have never worked with any
government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our
products or services. We have also never allowed access to our
servers. And we never will.”

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we look at the statement Tim have highlighted two things. First he is
advocating about improvement and security of the new service ‘Apple
Pay’. We do need to keep in mind here that Apple’s current breach
is still under investigation and until the causes of the breach are
determined Tim’s claim cannot be taken seriously.

he is telling his loyal customers that Apple never share any
information nor have any secret contracts with the government. But in
the past Apple has cooperated with government investigations by
turning over individual users’ data. We know that Edward Snowden’s
leaks revealed in June 2013 that many tech companies assist
government investigations by turning over suspects’ data. Good for
Apple’s CEO that he realized this after one year and coming clean
on this.



Apple Pay includes near-field communication technology or NFC, which
allows for the transfer of small amounts of data between two devices
held closely to one another. The payment will be done by giving your
biometric finger signature, the database of which is obviously stored
on remote servers. Apple did not go into any detail describing the
security measures of Apple Pay. 

Pay is no doubt a big threat for conventional payment systems, but
regular users of iphone cannot just blindly put trust on this system.
The wise thing therefor for them if they are not tech savvy is not to
adopt the technologies such as Apple Pay and others of similar type
for some time. Therefore wise thing for regular users who are not
tech savvy is to observe how the new entrant is performing.

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